Credits: HexTutorial: HIO, ROBIMEX2002 MoodingWay MoodingWay KitMakers-Facemakers PESEDIT JULIAN CAMES Tools: Juce - Robbie Obocaman GoLDoRaKiLLeR *if you use this patch as the basis for another patch, do not forget to place the respective credits.

To uninstall the patch just delete folder antserver and ANT 2010.exe file CREDITS (full credits in README file in the patch): Boca (BIH) Tottimas (Serbia) - Helped: Amir (Iran) Zdravoumartini (Serbia) Mracho (Czech Republic) Hercegplaya (BIH) Waqqas (Pakistan. PES 2020: How to Install Official Team Names, Kits, Logos, Leagues & More. For users with wide screen monitor only, copy files from folder 'antserver ant img 16-9' to folder 'antserver ant img dt06.im g' 4. PESEdit 2011 Patch 4.0 Screens: PESEdit 2011 Patch 4.0 New Features: Transfers: ALL transfers up to now for all big European leagues and Other Teams more than 150 new players created Balls: Torfabrik + CL Finale Munich Boots: adidas adiPower. Patches, Mods, Updates, Kits, Faces, Kitserver, Stadiums for Pro. Digital kit Original in-game menu theme 3 Player Contract Tickets x 30. PESEdit 2011 Patch 4.0 + 4.0.1 Fix + 4.1+ New Season Added + Filesonic, Wupload Links.

+ Classic Colombia(included in Others South America) Europe Classic Teams included in Others Europe South America Classic Teams included in Others South America All Teams Names Corrected. Download Minipatch: JULIAN CAMES REAL PES 2011 for Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 at ModdingWay. =JULIAN CAMES REAL PES2011 MiniPatch= Just PES2011 REAL - !Not EDIT file!!! - Independent Mod!!! Requeriments: PES2011 VER 1.03 DCL 2.00 Content: Kitserver 10.0.5 All Nations Kits 100% Licenced.